

Leucorrhoea, though often benign, can cause distress and discomfort for women. Understanding its causes, symptoms, and treatment options is crucial for maintaining vaginal health.


Leucorrhoea, also known as vaginal discharge, is a common condition that affects many women at some point in their lives. While it can be worrisome and uncomfortable, it is important to understand that leucorrhoea is often a normal and healthy occurrence. In this article, we will delve into the causes, symptoms, and available treatment options for leucorrhoea, shedding light on this topic to help women gain a better understanding of their reproductive health.

What is Leucorrhoea?

Leucorrhoea refers to the abnormal discharge from the vagina, usually characterized by a whitish or yellowish fluid. It is the result of an increased production of vaginal fluids, primarily consisting of cervical mucus, vaginal cells, and normal vaginal bacteria. In most cases, leucorrhoea is not a cause for concern and serves as a natural mechanism for maintaining vaginal hygiene.

Causes of Leucorrhoea:

  1. Several factors can contribute to the development of leucorrhoea, including:

    1. Hormonal changes: Fluctuations in hormonal levels, particularly oestrogen, can lead to increased vaginal discharge. This is commonly experienced during ovulation, pregnancy, and menopause.
    2. Infections: Bacterial, fungal, or parasitic infections of the vagina or cervix, such as yeast infections (Candidiasis), bacterial vaginosis, or sexually transmitted infections (STIs) like chlamydia or gonorrhoea, can cause abnormal vaginal discharge.
    3. Poor hygiene: Inadequate genital hygiene, such as using harsh soaps or douching, can disrupt the natural balance of vaginal flora and result in leucorrhoea.
    4. Certain medications: Some medications, including antibiotics and oral contraceptives, affect the vaginal pH balance and lead to increased discharge.

Symptoms of Leucorrhoea:

The primary symptom of leucorrhoea is an abnormal vaginal discharge. However, additional symptoms may indicate an underlying problem, such as:

  1. Discharge with a foul odour
  2. Itching, redness, or swelling of the vulva
  3. Pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse
  4. Urinary symptoms, such as a burning sensation while urinating or frequent urination
  5. Abdominal pain or lower back pain

When to Seek Medical Attention:

While leucorrhoea is often harmless, it is important to consult a healthcare provider if you experience any of the following:

  1. Excessive or persistent discharge
  2. Discharge accompanied by a strong odour or unusual colour
  3. Discharge accompanied by itching, burning, or pain
  4. Discharge following sexual intercourse with a new partner

      5. Discharge during pregnancy

Treatment Options:

The treatment of leucorrhoea depends on the underlying cause. It is crucial to receive an accurate diagnosis from a healthcare professional before initiating any treatment. The options may include:

  1. Lifestyle modifications: Practicing good genital hygiene, wearing cotton underwear, avoiding tight-fitting clothing, and maintaining a balanced diet can help maintain vaginal health.
  2. Medications: Depending on the cause, your doctor may prescribe antifungal, antibacterial, or antiparasitic medications to treat infections and restore the vaginal flora balance.
  3. Hormonal therapy: In cases where hormonal imbalances contribute to leucorrhoea, hormone replacement therapy or oral contraceptives may be recommended.
  4. STI treatment: If the underlying cause is a sexually transmitted infection, appropriate antibiotics or antiviral medications will be prescribed.

As mentioned above certain anti-biotics and medications can also cause Leucorrhoea, repetitively taking anti-biotics can harm vaginal flora and cause other side effects. Homeopathy is very effective in such conditions. Dr. Singh’s Homeopathy, prepare treatment plan according to the patient’s symptom as the symptoms vary with each patient because everyone is unique in her own way.

Prevention and Self-Care:

To prevent leucorrhoea or reduce its occurrence, consider the following self-care measures:

  1. Maintain proper genital hygiene: Clean the genital area with mild, unscented soap and water. Avoid using douches or harsh soaps, as they can disrupt the natural balance of vaginal flora.
  2. Practice safe sex: Use condoms during sexual intercourse to reduce the risk of infections.
  3. Wear breathable clothing: opt for cotton underwear and avoid tight-fitting clothes, as they can trap moisture and promote bacterial growth.


Leucorrhoea, though often benign, can cause distress and discomfort for women. Understanding its causes, symptoms, and treatment options is crucial for maintaining vaginal health. If you have concerns or experience persistent or abnormal symptoms, you can contact Dr. Singh’s Homeopathy to seek medical advice to ensure proper diagnosis and treatment. Remember, good genital hygiene, regular check-ups, and safe sexual practices are key to maintaining optimal reproductive health.

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